we need to listen

So today the Australian political left are up in arms!

If you haven't seen it, Penny Wong decided there are some things we can't debate.

She was responding to Senator Mathias Cormann's comment that a plebiscite on same sex marriage would be a unifying moment for the country. To me, this is an obvious possibility - a national plebiscite where both the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition agree?

Unheard of! What could be more unifying?

But Labor smell blood in the water. They know two thirds of Australians support same sex marriage. They know this issue is toxic for Turnbull. They know it is causing massive headaches within the Government, will further destabilise his leadership, and could lead to him being toppled.

Labor were in government from 2007 till 2013 and did nothing. Now that it's a headache for the current government, Labor become all sanctimonious. "How dare those heartless Liberal's deny equality for a vulnerable minority!"

Labor could have legalised same sex marriage years ago.

So will it be a unifying moment? Not if Labor can help it! Because Wong (and people like her) won't allow it to be. They will use it to divide us - to denigrate the Liberals and gain more support for Labor. All the while doing nothing to actually move same sex marriage any closer to being legal.

Wong and Cormann will disagree, because that's what politicians do. They don't want to unify us, they want as many people on their side, and as few on the other side.

That's not true for the rest of us. We want unity, and we shouldn't look to politicians for leadership in this area.

But if you do want this to be a unifying experience, then you need to listen.

We all need to listen.

And especially, we need to listen to those we disagree with.
