"You need to be born again to spend eternity with God," said the man with the conviction and belief that comes with 45 years of believing it.
On a plane, it's not just farts and terrorists you need to look out for.
"You need to say 'Jesus, please enter my life'"
Smash us into a building. Scatter my body like burning flesh confetti on this vengeful God and his bride.
"Otherwise, it doesn't matter how good a person you are, you'll spend eternity in Hell."
I try not to be a rude person.
So what about my son - my baby boy who died at 17 weeks.
He didn't ask Jesus into his life.
Where is Adam?
Is he being poked and prodded, burning in a lake of fire while his limbs are torn off one by one.
Is his skin being torn from his body as he screams regret for his un-godly ways?
Maybe that's why God took him- he deserved it, that evil little shit.
Good on ya God, cleaning up the filth of the earth.
Cleansing the earth of all the heathens. You don't wait for them to grow up God. You already said you wouldn't use a flood to wipe out most of humanity.
Didn't think before you made that promise, did you?
Limiting your options, mate.
But then, I suppose you still have fires, tornadoes, earthquakes. Sometimes you even fudge your promise and use a little tsunami to kill off a few.
Cheeky little fucker, aren't you God?
You know what? If that's what God is like, then fuck God
God is an arsehole.
I sure as Hell am not following That God.
I'll happily cuddle my boy as the demons gouge our eyes out for thousands of years.
I'll cry tears of solidarity with my boy as lava is poured over us, drip by drip.
I refuse to believe we need to say any particular words to appease a linguistically anal God.
That God has no place in my heart.
But if I'm wrong, if God has laid a hurtful finger on my boy...
I'm gonna kick his arse.
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