believe what you're told...

This blog doesn't really have a narrative, so it might be a tad choppy...

John F. Kennedy was shot & killed while travelling in a Presidential Motorcade in 1963 in Dallas, Texas.

Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested 70 minutes later, & killed 2 days later while in police custody.

15 days later the Director of the FBI J. Edger Hoover said he wanted "something issued so we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin."

Hoover got what he wanted & the FBI released a report which found that Oswald was solely responsible.

Anyway, why does all this interest me? Well, people die all the time, so I'm not interested because Kennedy died, even if he was the President of the US.

Here's what interests me:

- The US Government has never properly investigated the murder of a President. Why? Bad PR? CIA & involvement in Latin America?
- The Director of the FBI was more interested in convincing the public that Oswald was the killer than he was in investigating.
- Hoover succeeded with easily discreditable evidence.

See, Hoover knew something: what the FBI put together didn't have to be accurate, it just had to get out there on the 6 o'clock news saying Oswald acted alone. It didn't matter that their investigation would be torn to shreds by everyone (including a US House Select Committee) in future decades.

So the thing that really scares me is how ready the public is to accept without question whatever authority tells them. We all have our jobs & interests & home duties, & the truth is most of us can't be
bothered to sift through what is bullshit.

This means that a government (or school, or company, etc) can simply tell a lie (or half truth, or whatever), stick to their story for a few months, & public attention shifts to another story & it's only 'conspiracy theorists' that are left digging & questioning.

As Hitler wrote:

The public "more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a little one, since they themselves lie in little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big. Such a falsehood will never enter their heads, and they will not be able to believe in the possibility of such monstrous effrontery and infamous misrepresentation in others."

May we not discount the possibility of a big lie too readily.
