by your powers combined...

I just came across these guys. They are a couple who go around praying for people with physical illness', & claiming some pretty amazing healings.

Have a look & see what you think:

Now, some people will immediately say they're full of shit & are part of a hoax, getting people to pretend they have an injury then pretend to be healed. And there is plenty of reason to think that sort of thing could be going on here. There have been many examples of people using stupid religious folk to get money & fame (and plenty of stupid religious folk to take advantage of).

But I'm not so sure. These guys aren't asking for money. They insist on people seeing doctors (before & after) and not stop taking prescribed medication until your doctor says so.

They're not super religious & claiming only certain people can be healed, & you have to go to their church, or believe their God, or pray a certain prayer, or live a certain way. They are saying it's freely offered to anyone, no strings attached.

They're not saying it's cause they're special & have a special connection with God, but rather that it is simply God's power - nothing special about them at all.

So why doubt them?

What are they getting out of it? And why would they ask for a TV show to have them on with some doctors & see it happening in front of everyone? If they were making it up, wouldn't that just make them look like asses in front of the entire nation?

And what sort of a person do I want to be? Do I want to be cynical & closed minded? Or do I want to be open minded, even if I know that could lead me to looking like a fool for believing their claims? (To be honest, I probably do want to be cynical, but not closed minded. But there needs to be a legitimate reason to be cynical...)

We live in a pretty anti-religeous society, & it would be easy & popular to put these claims in the basket of the Benny Hinn lunatic manipulating money grabbing type (he once asked for donations for a $36 million jet, which he got, & called "Dove One". What a tool.)

But I'm not so sure...
