plebiscite this!

I don't know if you've noticed, but the political Left is losing its mind!

Bill Shorton says Malcolm Turnbull will be responsible for all of the "filth" that gay people will endure. Penny Wong says a plebiscite will be harmful for LGBTI people. As former High Court Judge and homosexual Michael Kirby puts it: "I feel as a citizen that I'm not being respected."

I don't get it?

If you are gay, did you not realise some people don't agree with your lifestyle? Did you not realise some people don't want you to be able to marry? Did you not realise some people don't want you to have your own kids? Did you not realise the Australian Christian Lobby didn't support same sex marriage?

Of course gay people realise all of this! They live with it every day! A couple of months more of public debate won't show them any ugly, bigoted, homophobic view they haven't heard a hundred times before.

But what if, by some miracle of understanding, they were able to hear the real concerns some people have? What if they could listen? And, of course, what about seeing this as a fantastic opportunity to share with our fellow Australians why gay marriage is necessary?

I just don't understand why gay people and those who support equal rights for gay people would not want a public conversation about this issue.

I agree that the best way to change a law is through the parliament, and this does not need the consent of the Australian public. A plebiscite is a colossal waste of money, being conducted simply as a political solution to a political problem Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull finds himself in.

But if you want to change people's opinions, the only way to do this is by conversation. We need to listen, and we need to communicate our views clearly, without demonising those we disagree with. And certainly without trying to shut down debate!

So, yes, criticise the political cowardice of Turnbull. Criticise the waste of money. But don't say this is a debate we can't have.

I can't believe the Left is against public conversation!

I want to change the law to provide equal rights to our homosexual brothers and sisters. But I also want to change the minds of those who oppose it. I don't want them to feel beaten into submission. I want people to be free to wrestle with their views - to come to their own conclusions, and not feel beaten over the head by labels like homophobe and bigot.

This is how social progress happens.


Let's talk!


  1. So well said Nick! I am very impressed by your lack of angst and commonsense.

    1. Thanks Unknown, I appreciate the encouragement!


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